
Deliciously tactile illustrations for your project or brand.

Gorgeous illustration for passionate business owners


Sometimes a photograph just doesn’t cut it. When you need an image of a dodo or a witch on a vacuum cleaner you ain’t gonna find it on a stock site.

Illustration is also a powerful tool for boosting your brand’s image. You might not be aware of it, but small illustrative touches can give your designs that extra something


Original illustration tailor-made for small businesses like yours.

With so much visual noise being thrown at us every day it’s harder than ever to stand out online. This is why working with a professional illustrator to create bespoke illustrations specifically for your business is such a good investment: no-one else will have the same graphics.

You know how design trends can look really great at first, but then everyone starts doing it and they can look really old really fast? This won’t happen with bespoke illustrations. Working with Paper Arcade guarantees that your designs will be authentic and accurate to your small business.

Now THAT’S how you stand out from the crowd.

“Hiring Laura has made my life so much easier!

She has created amazing illustrations and maps for us, while following our guidelines and feedback. If you need a beautiful design and illustration, look no further than Laura!”

Mike Staino
Senior Marketing Manager, Trip Savvy and Dot Dash, New York

 Three Reasons to Hire Paper Arcade


1. A fresh perspective

You know that feeling when you’re so “in” your business you can’t really see it? Working with an experienced professional graphic designer brings a fresh set of eyes to your business, giving you clarity and focus when making important marketing decisions.

2. Save time and money

Quickly bosching something together on Canva might be a quick fix for today’s Instagram post but it’s not a long-term sustainable solution for your business. Even if you don’t spend money on graphic design the cost of your time spent adds up. Hiring a designer allows you to delegate and focus on your strengths and the big picture stuff.

3. A small business buddy

Being a small business owner is flippin’ awesome. But it can also be really difficult. I’m here to help you and take some of the load off your plate. I also love a good natter over a glass of wine. Think of me as your Design Partner/Small Biz Buddy.

Illustration for editorial publications and small businesses.

Editorial Illustration • Maps • Icons • Infographics • eBooks • Brand patterns • Brand-specific graphics • Bespoke Illustrations • Website graphics

Don’t see what you need?

Get in touch and tell me what it is you’re after, because chances are it’s something I can help you with.
And if not, I might know another small business who can help.

Digital and traditional illustration all in one place.

I’m a bit of an enigma. I love working with computers and tablets, illustrating using my trusty Apple pencil. 

But I also REALLY love working with paint, especially watercolours. I love the textures and the rich, sumptuous colours of inks. I love the roughness of the lines and the way the paper shines through the translucent shades. Basically, I love illustration that is a little bit imperfect and a whole lot human.

That’s the hallmark of my style: deep, sumptuous, textured, slightly imperfect illustration that ignites the senses and really draws the customer in.